Bike rent
Renting bikes at Zebrus Resort can be a fantastic way to explore and enjoy nature. If you’re looking to rent bikes for an outside Zebrus resort adventure, here’s a general outline of what you might need to consider and expect:
Duration: Rentals can typically be done on an hourly, half-day, full-day, or even weekly basis. Choose a rental duration that aligns with your planned exploration time.
Guidance and Tips: If you’re new to biking or unfamiliar with the woods, ask the Zebrus resort support for any tips or guidance they can provide.
40 EUR per person

Sup-board rent
Renting a paddleboard for use on a Zebrus lake can be a great way to enjoy the water and the outdoors. Here’s what you should consider when looking to rent a paddleboard on a lake:
Lake Conditions: Including water temperature, wind speed, and any advisories. This information can help you prepare appropriately for your paddleboarding session.
Return Policy: Understand the rental service’s return policy. Be aware of any fees for late returns, damages to the equipment, or other terms associated with returning the paddleboard.
20 EUR per person

Hike in Krievkalni
Pokaini Forest is located 13 kilometers from Dobele, driving towards īle. Here, in larger and smaller groups, piles, stone rivers and ramparts, there are the famous Pokainai stone piles. Such a large concentration of stones of all sizes and shapes in one place creates a truly unusual impression.
LVM Pokaiņu Forest is an unusual tourist attraction due to its miraculous stories. It is a scenically interesting and picturesque place with steep hills, deep valleys and forests of different composition and age. But the most unusual thing in this forest is the piles of stones of different sizes.

Hike in Pokainu Forest
In the vast plains, lush forests and miraculous marshes of Zemgale, there are quite a few walking places where you can go to observe nature and get a proper dose of fresh air. One of such places is also Krievkalni in Dobele district, where you can stretch your legs and watch the wide panoramic view of the surroundings.
The road to Krievkalni leads along the Dobele-Île road. At a distance of approximately 16 kilometers from Dobele, you should turn onto the country road and, following the signs, go towards the mountain. Those who do not want to risk and get lost can search for the way with the help of “Google maps”. Traveler’s of Latvia who have also visited this corner of untouched nature emphasise that digital maps find Krievkalns accurately.